
Sunday Services
Worship starts at 10:30 am and 6:00 pm
Feed my Sheep
1st Sunday lunchtime
Bible Study
Mondays 7.30 pm in the Parlour
or Zoom: 96968657216 Code: 324061
Coffee & Cake
1st & 3rd Tuesdays 10:00 am
Ladies Fellowship
2nd Thursday @ 2:15 pm (4th Thursday Lunch Out)
2nd & 4th Saturday 9:00 am
or Zoom: 99349745503 Code: 240496
Coffee & Craft
1st Saturday from 10:30 am

Christianity... what's it all about? Learn more here.
At Stream Road, we’re not about religion and rules, instead we trust in God who delights in us seeking out the deeper and more meaningful things of life - relationships rather than money, service rather than power, and love lived out in community life - a place where we put others ahead of ourselves. We invite you to join us on the journey of work, life and faith, regardless of race, ethnicity, politics, sexual orientation, age, ability or economic circumstance. Come, find a home here, a safe place in an extended family – the family of God.
- Rev'd. Alan Combes welcome video is here.
- See our Latest News for events, prayers, relections & services.
- Circuit news and live streamed services are on the Vale of Stour website.
- The latest resources are available here from Christianity.org.uk
Contemporary Christian comment from the Joint Public Issues Team.